Business Coaching for

Women Survivors of Trauma

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I get it.

You don't want to feel like just another “member"...

Honestly, I have tried a lot of solutions too, and let me tell you some have sucked. Which is why this experience is specially curated for you.

I know how it feels to be sitting there like I just got dumped into someone's revenue goals. But listen up woman:

You deserve to be seen.

You deserve to be heard.

You deserve to do it your way.

You deserve to have a lifestyle and business that lights your heart on fire.

And I'm going to help you get there because I genuinely care to see my fellow women succeed.

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The Journey.

What sets this program apart is not the proven business coaching ​frameworks for building a strong foundation to scale and grow your business.

But that it takes into account personal experiences with Traumas, Triggers, ​Mental Health Challenges, and experiences as a Woman, comprehending ​how they impact your life holistically.

The Womanpreneur Lab equips you with additional tools to transform these ​challenges into strengths and opportunities for growth.

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The program consists of six standalone modules, each with comprehensive ​training, weekly Q&A's, accountability and laser coaching, as well as a peer-to-​peer coaching and community model (as available).

These modules are as follows:

  • Mindset & Mental Health
  • Business Foundations & Strategy
  • Branding & Marketing
  • Time & Financial Management
  • Holistic Alignment & Self Care
  • Community & Networking

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Why women prefer us

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Nurturing & Trauma Informed Guidance

This approach to business coaching provides a safe, supportive space for addressing past traumas, empowering women to build their businesses with resilience and confidence.

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Tangible Big-Picture Clarity & Strategy

Essential for women as this offers a simplified roadmap to long-term goals, ensuring they can make confident, well-informed decisions without feeling overwhelmed.

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A Coach Who Can Relate.

Our founder, Ashley Pereira, draws from her personal experiences as a business owner and woman, including trauma, triggers, and mental health challenges, to guide other women on their journeys.

Meet your new business bestie.

A coach who has been there, done ​that... with 350+ other business owners!​

13 years in Business, Brand, and Marketing Consulting and Coaching has not come without it’s challenges!

I’ve climbed my way to “the big boy’s table” in every corporate job and business meeting I’ve been a part of, understanding the things we as women experience in and out of our careers, but also deserve!

I’ve chosen to combine my professional expertise with my experiences of child sexual abuse, failed suicide, Complex PTSD, and solo motherhood-- turning them into thriving experiences like owning a multi-6-figure business, and helping business owners with $0-$25M business to start, grow, and scale.

Hi! I’m


Feedback from our members

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Ashley made me unafraid of being a woman, being feminine, asking for what I deserve, and so much more, in my business. She holds a space for like-minded, driven, entrepreneur women to connect and grow together.

Cassandra Johnson

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I am thrilled to be a part of this program. I have already learned so much. Looking forward to scaling GirlzWhoSell in this next stage of my entrepreneurship journey. I could not think of a more amazing group of women to have by my side!

Heidi Solomon-Orlick

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I am grateful to have you as a business coach, for this group, and for all of your guidance! And I am LOVING my results and looking forward to executing more of my ideas soon!

Tina Sasso, FNP and HWHC

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Your path to a better business and life starts here

Enjoy exclusive benefits of joining The ​Womanpreneur Lab !

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Structured, personalized Coaching to Align Life & Business

Intimate environment

Weekly Live Training, Hot Seat Coaching, and Q&A

Expert Training Sessions

Access to a Supportive Community of Brave Womanpreneurs

Additional resources sent directly to your inbox

3 Personalized 90-minute 1:1s

Free access to The Womanpreneur mini-Summit Events*

50% off VIP pricing: One-on-One Coaching Offers

50% off VIP pricing: Personal Brand & Social Media Marketing

50% off VIP Day 3-hour Strategy Session

50% off the Flourish Membership to achieve goals and habits

Discounted Virtual Assistant Hours with my personal VA!

Enjoy ongoing resources & referrals after the pr​ogram

Referral program to earn a healthy passive st​ream!

Templates and guides to grow your bus​iness

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Ready to explore, grow, and scale with intention?

Book your interview HERE!

Women Sitting on Chairs Inside a Room